Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

BB FlashBack Pro 4.11 Full Version [Serial]

Title : BB FlashBack
Date Released : 2012
Version : Profesional
Category : Multimedia
Publisher: -
Format : RAR
Size : 12 MB
Link Download :
<  [Setup + Crack]
Serial : 2SX72-NIUQ3-PN6HJ-M4TLD-1NEB
Update : BB FlashBack Pro 4.1.4 Full [Serial / Keygen]

BB Flashback Pro Adalah Software Yang berfungsi Untuk Merekam Aktivitas Laptop yang bisa Diconvert ke Video, Misalnya Bisa Untuk Membuat Tutorial yang ingin Di Upload ke Youtube, Kira-kira seperti itu, Bagi yang ingin tahu lebih lanjut silahkan didownload softwarenya, ukurannya juga kcil kok,,
berikut fitur-fitur BBflashBack
Features :
  1. Record and replay movies of your screen.
  2. Export movie to Macromedia Flash format.
  3. Export movie to AVI file.
  4. Export movie to WMV file.
  5. Export movie to standalone EXE file.
  6. Full PowerPoint plug in and support.
  7. Selectable codecs for AVI and WMV formats.
  8. Create/edit HTML templates for web movies.
  9. Record sound through microphone.
  10. Import audio files.
  11. Automatically change screen resolution during recording.
  12. Auto switch-off for Windows graphic effects.
  13. Set plain desktop wallpaper while recording.
  14. Hide desktop icons while recording.
  15. Capture all sound playing through system.
  16. Keystroke logging and playback.
  17. Hotkey control.
  18. Dan banyak lagi fitur lainnya......

Bila Anda ingin mencoba BB FlashBack Pro 4.1.1 Full Serial, Anda bisa download BB FlashBack Pro 4 lengkap dengan Serial Number pada link dibawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

BB FlashBack Pro 4.11 Full Version [Serial] Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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