Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Download AIMP3 Terbaru

AIMP adalah sebuah mo3 palyer yang sangat ringan dan banyak pilihan skinnya, mp3 player ini tidak kalah dengan winamp, karena sangat ringan dan tersedia berbagai fitur.
Apa saja yang di fix di dalam versi terbaru ini ?

AIMP v3.00 Build 976 (30.12.2011)

+ Basque localization was added
* Localizations were updated
* Player: Radio station name is now set automatically on starting playback, if it has not been set before by the user
* Tag Editor: Track number is no longer stored in the ID3v1, if it value more than 255
- Fixed: Player - part of the next track sounds in the end of current track, if "shuffle" mode is active
- Fixed: Player - "A-B Repeat" function drops playback position to beginning in some cases
- Fixed: Tag Editor - buttons in footer panel doesn't display, if height of the screen less than 600 pixels
- Fixed: Tag Editor - the table doesn't update after using tag autofill function
- Fixed: Plugins - last.fm plugin doesn't start scrobbling sometimes
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects
Kalau sahabat KC mau mendownloadnya, silahkan klik tombol download dibawah :)
Download | |  Download AIMP3 Terbaru  | 6  MB  |

Download AIMP3 Terbaru Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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