Hari minggu emang enaknya nyantai dirumah sambil depan komputer ditambah cuaca sekarang yang musim kemarau Hot banget bikin males mau keluar rumah.kalo udah dpean komputer pengen bawaannya posting kebetulan gw baru install software 3D PageFlip Professional.
3D PageFlip adalah aplikasi flash flipbook yang dapat digunakan untuk mengubah file PDF, Word, PowerPoint, dan Excel ke bentuk flipbooks. Dengan software flash flipbook, sobat dapat membuat majalah, katalog, e-brosur, eBook atau e-surat kabar menakjubkan berbentuk 3D..dengan kata lain dengan software ini kita dapat membuat majalah online atau epaper dengan cara menjadikan file flash lalu embed ke page html halaman web atau blog.
Software ini sangat bagus menurut saya bagi sobat yang ingin membuat majalah untuk toko online maupun katalog product..selain itu juga bisa membuat buku dari file office dengan tampilan 3D dengan template yang keren selain itu kita bisa memasukkan file video yang bisa kita tautkan kedalamnya.
Product Features
- Convert Adobe Acrobat PDFs, Images, Open Office, Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel to Adobe Flash based 3D eBooks.
- Create 3D page flipping book, show page turning effect and 3D spinning effects.
- Define page range (to import), pages quality and size for imported PDF pages.
- Import hyperlinks (web/page/email links) and table of content from original PDF.
- Enable searching text in flipbook.
- Detect wide pages.
- Provide several render engines to choose and avoid distortion for some special PDF files.
- Save settings as project for future use or edit.
Multiple output options: Flash/HTML5, EXE, Zip, 3DP, To FTP Server.
- Flash/HTML5 allows to upload to website to be viewed online (with title, keywords and other metadata defined).
- ZIP is a zip file of Flash/HTML5, convenient for delivery.
- EXE (with setting title, icon and open window size) and Zip allow you to send to your user by email to be viewed on their computer.
- 3DP is a special format for 3D PageFlip Reader – suitable for email sharing.
- To FTP Server will help you upload the flipbook directly to your website via the integrated FTP option.
- Mobile version is to output HTML flipbook which can be viewed on mobile devices via Browsers (slide single pages or flip pages on mobiles).
- Burn to CD allows to burn to disk so that you can send your user physical media for viewing on their computer.
- Upload flipbooks to 3DPageFlip Server; publish flipbook online without any tools.
- Manage online flipping books easily (Hide, delete, or share).
- Design, save, import and select templates for 3D flash flipping book, including 3D panoramic background.
- Design background with pre-designed animated scenes.
- Download and import free themes for decoration.
- Define logo, home page link.
- Set custom information for the online flip book, including book name, website address, Email and details info. It will be shown in the ‘About’ window.
- Design flash language for output flippingbooks.
- Create table of content for flipbook
- Add password to protect flipping book, add hint for password
- Set pre-loader for flipbook with favorite color, text
- Enable Auto Flip with setting Flip Interval.
- Define page thickness, book auto scale for different size of browsers.
- Pre-set tilt angle while using the 3D page turning book.
- Apply a picture or set a pure or gradient color as flipping book background.
- Friendly for SEO purpose and Google Analytics.Allow viewers to share with friends via Facebook, Twitter, iGoogle, etc, even more, sharing Analytics is supported.
- Support importing PDF/Image/SWF to extra pages; support deleting pages
- Add vivid feature to flip book pages, including link, movies, pictures, sounds, flash (swf), button, YouTube and so on.
- Create 3D Image Sphere Gallery for inserted images
- Create 360 degree spinning object for 3D product show
- Hand tool, Zoom in, Zoom out, Delete, Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo, Redo to help page editing.
- Real book-like digital flipping book with page turning effect.
- Spin 3D flip eBook in 360 degree in panoramic template.
- Watch video in 3D space with 360 degree vision.
- Editing function brings: 3D objects, flash, music, video, button, link in the flip book pages.
- Use navigational buttons or drag page corner with mouse to turn pages.
- Double-click or click zoom button to zoom in or zoom out pages in multi-level.
- View pages thumbnails and get a quick arrive to your targeted pages.
- Make the 3D PDF to flipbook play by itself.
- Adjust Tilt Angle or wheel mouse to change angle to get 3D effect.
- View 3D flip eBook detailed information.
- Play background music.
- Open bookmark window to add bookmark as a tag.
- Share with friends with the flash eBook.
- Get the flipping book print with any pages you want.
- Full screen to view flipping eBook.
- Open in the Browser to a specific page by adding a page index to your URL.(E.G.www.yourdomain.com/index.html?p=4).
Updated on October 24th, 2013
- Allow to drag the pages in Page Panel to re-arrange orders.
- Allow to add network video in swf.
- New button styles: oval and roundness.
- New alignment options: Match width and height, The vertical average interval, Space evenly horizontally.
- Capacity of draw area magnification.
- When draw area magnification, press “Ctrl” button to shift the zoom tool.
- New color scheme selector for color selector.
- Add new thumbnail navigator.Enable to scale by the center of mouse point, scale by the center of page when choose to zoom tool.
Cara Crack menggunakan Loader :
- Install 3D PageFlip Professional 1.7.6, sebelum menjalankan loader matikan Antivirus sobat.
- ekstrak Loader.rar copypaste "Loader.exe" ke directory C:\Program File\3D PageFlip Professional klik kanan Run Administrator.
- Finish.

Link Download

Share is beautifulà3D PageFlip Professional 1.7.6 Minggu, 28 September 2014
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