Foxit Reader - Foxit Reader adalah aplikasi yang di gunakan untuk membaca file PDF, Tidak hanya itu Foxit Reader juga dapat membuat dan mengedit file PDF. Foxit Reader kecil , cepat kilat , dan fitur PDF viewer yang kaya dan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat , membuka, melihat , tanda , dan mencetak file PDF . Foxit Reader pada versi ini sudah tersedia dalam beberapa bahasa yaitu English , Perancis, Jerman , Portugis, Rusia , dan Spanyol .

New Features:
- Page Navigation in Web Browser by URL Parameters. Link to a bookmark/specific page within a web pdf in a web browser using URL parameters.
- Add Bulleted Lists in Free Text Annotations. Add bulleted lists in Typewriter/Callout/Textbox annotations to improve readability.
- PPDF (Pfile-based PDF) File Encryption (Enterprise Reader Only). Support using Microsoft IRM Protection for PDF Version 2 to encrypt PDFs and output the encrypted files in PPDF format.
Feature Improvements:
- Shared Review Enhancement. Configure the interval to check new comments during shared review and notify users by flashing the Foxit Reader icon in the taskbar if any.
- PDF Stamp Improvements. Rotate stamp annotations and provide an option to apply a stamp on multiple pages.
- Save and Share Custom Annotation Colors. Save custom colors in annotation properties and then all the annotations can share the custom colors.
- Preview Signatures and Stamps before Application. Show the preview of selected ink signatures and stamps during mouse over.
- Streamline PDF Scanning Workflow. Streamline the workflow when scanning paper to PDF.
- Extend the Usage of GPO Templates (Enterprise Reader Only). Support more settings using the GPO templates, including forbidding all auto-connecting to server, setting to hide document message bar in preferences, and more.
Issue Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the application interface became fuzzy in higher DPI.
- Fixed an issue where users could not join the shared review of RMS protected files with Foxit Reader.
- Fixed a security issue where memory corruption may occur when converting a GIF file with an invalid value in Ubyte Size in its DataSubBlock Structure, which could lead to a controlled crash execution.
System Requirements
- 1.3 GHz or faster processor
- 512 MB RAM (Recommended: 1 GB RAM or greater)
- 1 GB of available hard drive space
- 1024*768 screen resolution
Additional Information :
- Name : Foxit Reader
- Version :
- File Size : 34 MB
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