Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

AIMP v3.60 Build 1495

Halo selamat Sore Sobat CS . Pada postingan sore hari ini saya akan share software audio nih namanya  AIMP v3.60 Build 1495 Yups  AIMP  adalah sebuah software audio playlist yang menurut saya software sangat bagus untuk mendengarkan sebuah lagu/musik. tidak hanya itu   AIMP v3.60 Build 1495 Juga memilki tampilan yang sangat Oke dan keren pastinya dan sangat mudah di gunakan

Screenshoot :

Change Log :

  • ACD plugin: multi-threaded decoding is now supported
  • SACD Plugin: SACD images in the ISO format are now supported (experimental)
  • Tag Editor: the APEv2 tag is now automatically deleted from MP3 during saving changes
  • Fixed: Sound Engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playing the internet radio
  • Fixed: player - bitrate of MP3 files detects incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed: Player - format of internet radio stream in FLAC format in OGG container displays as OGG Vorbis.
  • Fixed: Playlist - an error occurs in some cases that leads to stop redrawing of playlist
  • Fixed: Playlist - non-natural sorting is used when adding folders to playlist
  • Fixed: Playlist - playlist starts playing again after delete last playing track from playlist, even if the "repeat track" option is switched off
  • Fixed: Tag Editor - album arts cache is not updated after edit the album art in tag editor
  • Fixed: Tag Editor - no an ability to play tracks in TAK / OFR / OFS formats
  • Fixed: Plugins - last.fm - information about the scrobbling sends to server twice in some cases, if off-line cache is not empty
  • Fixed: Plugins - Update Checker - downloading process does not canceled on closing the options dialog
Link Download :
Status Tested Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit
Semoga Bermanfaat :D

AIMP v3.60 Build 1495 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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