Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full Version [32-64 Bit]

Download Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full Version [32-64 Bit] - Halo sobat kali ini Cyber Connex akan membagikan software keren buat para Arsitek nih, atau buat para sobat yang ingin bercita-cita menjadi arsitek. Software Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full  ini banyak digunakan dari seluruh dunia untuk membuat Desain 2D dan 3D. Banyak yang menggunakan Software ini untuk menggambar desain properti, perumahan, perkantoran, Mall, dan masih banyak hal lain.

Software Autodesk AutoCAD ini biasanya juga digunakan oleh para mahasiswa dengan jurusan teknik sipil atau teknik arsitektur. Untuk fiturnya, tidak usah diragukan lagi, Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full Version  ini terdapat fitur-fitur terbaru dan penyempurnaan dari versi sebelumnya. Bahkan untuk mempercepat dan memaksimalkan AutoCAD ini, sobat bisa menambahkan ribuan Addons. Sangat hebat bukan?.

Hari ini Cyber Connex akan membagikan Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 secara gratis, jadi kalian tidak harus membeli Lisensi aslinya, (namun jika sobat sudah bisa mampu membeli diharapkan untuk membeli lisensi aslinya). Tenang saja, untuk yang ingin mendownload AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 bisa dilihat di akhir postingan.

Screenshots :

System Requirements Autodesk Autocad 2016 x86 :

  • Windows® 8 Standard, Enterprise, or Professional edition, Windows® 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium edition (compare Windows versions), or Windows XP® Professional or Home edition (SP3 or later) operating system
  • For Windows 8 and Windows 7: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon ™ dual-core processor, 3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
  • For Windows XP: Pentium 4 or Athlon dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • 6 GB free disk space for installation
  • 1,024 x 768 display resolution with true color (1,600 x 1,050 recommended)
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or later web browser
  • Install from download or DVD

System Requirements Autodesk Autocad 2016 x64 / 64bit :

  • Windows 8 Standard, Enterprise, or Professional edition, Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium edition (compare Windows versions), or Windows XP Professional (SP2 or later)
  • Athlon 64 with SSE2 technology, AMD Opteron ™ processor with SSE2 technology, Intel® Xeon® processor with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology, or Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • 6 GB free space for installation
  • 1,024 x 768 display resolution with true color (1,600 x 1,050 recommended)
  • Internet Explorer 7 or later
  • Install from download or DVD

Install Instruction :

  1. Install Autodesk Autocad 2016
  2. Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666 .. or anything matching those templates
  3. Use as Product Key Change G to H (Example AutoCAD: 001H1)
  4. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product | ACTIVATION : We suggest blocking outgoing traffic (faster and easier to activate)
  5. Before clicking on Activate
    You have 2 options :
    - a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall (this is just to disable onlinechecks) it will tell you that an internet Connection is Required
    Simply click on close and click on activate again
    – b) Click on Activate and it will do an online check, simply click on close and click on activate again.Choose option a or b.
  6. Select I have an activation code from Autodesk
  7. Once at the activation screen: start XFORCE Keygen 32bits version or 64bits version
  8. Click on Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)
  9. Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate
  10. Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next You have a fully registered autodesk product

How to find your product number :

  • If you do not seem to be able to find the product number from install.txt
  • Install as trial, run the product, skip activation choosing try.
  • Go about tab and see product information, you’ll fin product number right there.

Link Download Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full Version [32-64 Bit]

x86 / 32 Bit
Single Link

390 Mb Links

x64 / 64 Bit
Single Link

390 Mb Links

Autodesk AutoCAD Terbaru 2016 Full Version [32-64 Bit] Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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