Jumat, 04 September 2015

Aimp v3.60 Build 1500

Halo selamat malam Sobat CS .maaf nih baru posting lagi karena 2 hari kemarin saya ada tugas di kampus. oke Pada postingan malam hari ini saya akan share software audio nih namanya  Aimp v3.60 Build 1500 Yups  AIMP  adalah sebuah software audio playlist yang menurut saya software sangat bagus untuk mendengarkan sebuah lagu/musik. tidak hanya itu  Aimp v3.60 Build 1500 Juga memilki tampilan yang sangat Oke dan keren pastinya dan sangat mudah di gunakan

Screenshoot :

Change Log AIMP v3.60 Build 1500 (31.08.2015)
Sound Engine: added an ability to specify the 352.8 KHz sample rate (for devices that support this sample rate)
  • Fixed: Sound Engine - application crashes if used select more than 8 channels in settings dialog for ASIO-based device
  • Fixed: Player - duration of WAV files calculates incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed: Player - AlbumArt loads incorrectly from ID3v2 in some cases
  • Fixed: Playlist - Save Dialog - settings are not saved for work session
  • Fixed: Playlist - the "insert after current" command removes selected track from read only playlists
  • Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - information about the duration of playable file does not sent to server
  • Small bugs and defects were fixed
Link Download :
Status Tested Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit

Semoga Bermanfaat :D

Aimp v3.60 Build 1500 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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