Minggu, 20 September 2015

Avast! Pro Antivirus & Internet Security 10.4

rniwanda.blogspot.co.id - Avast antivirus saat ini menambahkan terbilang lebih canggih dari versi sebelumnya dengan sistem pertahanan dengan kelas Militer. avast! merupakah salah satu antivirus terpercaya didunia, yang aktif melindungi lebih dari 200 juta PC, Mac dan Android.
Avast! Pro Antivirus *dok Google
System Requirements
You need at least Windows XP (with SP2) installed. Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and windows 10 are fully supported (unless your device runs the Starter or RT edition) in both the 32- and 64-bit variant. A 10-year old Pentium 3 processor will do, with 128 MB RAM and 2 GB of hard-drive space. And now imagine the stellar performance with your new hardware!

Release notes :
New version AVAST 2015 R4 (build number 2015.10.4.2233) has been released. No new features added, just fixing bugs.

Fixes in Avast 2015 R4:

  1. Better server selection list in SecureLine
  2. Fixed: Cleanup to stop on 99%
  3. Fixed: Problems with HTTPS certificates in Firefox after upgrade to Windows 10
  4. Fixed: Firewall not started after upgrade to Windows 10
  5. Fixed: Cleanup to report leftover files, when software was just updated and not uninstalled (e.g. Skype, Java)
  6. Fixed: Issues with payment gates
  7. Fixed: Issues with not showing images on some sites
  8. Fixed: Issues with Outlook 2003 context menu
Download Information 
File Size : 350 MB
Via : Solidfile

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Avast! Pro Antivirus & Internet Security 10.4 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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