Selasa, 15 September 2015

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru.

Daemon Tools Pro Advanced merupakan salah satu software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat virtual drive. Jadi untuk anda yang memiliki file yang berformat .iso tidak perlu susah-susah meng'extrack file iso tersebut, anda cukup membuat virtual drive di daemon tools, setelah itu cari file .iso maka secara otomatis file tersebut sudah mengextrack'nya dan bisa langsung menginstallnya.

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru

Daemon Tools itu sendiri memiliki fungsi sebagai simulasi dari CD/DVD Room, dan masih banyak lagi manfaat yang bisa anda dapatkan dari daemon tools. Bisa anda simak beberapa list terbarunya dibawah ini.

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru

+List Detail:
- Mount *.mdx, *.mds/*.mdf, *.iso, *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.bin/*.cue, *.ape/*.cue, *.flac/*.cue, *.nrg, *.isz disc images to a virtual drive together with *.vhd, *.vmdk, TrueCrypt and ZIP files
- Convert images from all supported formats to *.mdf/*.mds, *.mdx, *.iso
- Make *.iso, *.mds/*.mdf and *.mdx images of CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs
- Make a compressed disc image or split the image to several files
- Create VHD images with dynamically expanding or fixed size
- Make TrueCrypt images to save the most important data or protect images with password

Advanced imaging features:
- Mount images with double click or adjust selected virtual device before mounting
- Create or edit images with powerful Image Editor
- Burn created images to media discs
- Burn images with RMPS data
- Compose your own images of selected type (CD/DVD disc) with preferred file system (ISO9660+Joliet, UDF)
- Master bootable discs or images
- Manage your Image Collection

Media devices virtualization:
- Emulate up to 32 DT and SCSI devices in all
- Use 4 virtual IDE devices (2 in Windows 8)
- Create up to 16 virtual HDD devices
- Mount images to physical IDE/SATA devices via advanced attaching functionality
- Perform image mounting to local NTFS folders
- Get detailed information about physical and virtual devices' properties
- Customize virtual drives: change a drive letter, DVD region, etc

Advanced user interface with powerful system integration:
- Customize user Interface for main application and Image Editor
- Use powerful Command Line Interface for automation purposes
- Enable DAEMON Tools integration to Windows shell
- Use File Associations to mount images right from Windows Explorer or any other file manager
- Customize Windows Explorer context menu for images and virtual devices
- Get quick access to your Image Catalog via Windows Explorer
- Perform basic actions via handy DAEMON Tools Gadget on Windows Desktop

GameSpace - virtual disc usage statistic on-line service:
- Get more information relevant to discs in your Image Collection
- Stay tuned: read game news and reviews posted daily
- Browse for gameplay videos, screenshots and recommendations
- Find out top rated and most played games
- Search disc images and much more

What's New in DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 6.0:
- Creates VHD and TrueCrypt images.
- Mounts VHD, VMDK, TrueCrypt and ZIP image files.
- Adds virtual HDD devices.
- Offers quick mount option via application, Windows Explorer and DAEMON Tools gadget.
- Contains redesigned DAEMON Tools gadget.
- Provides new command line parameters to work with virtual HDD.

What's new in version
- Redesigned and enhanced licensing system
- Improved emulation of SCSI & IDE drives
Jika anda tertarik untuk memilikinya, bisa dengan mudah anda dapatkan di artikel ini, Karena di artikel yang saya tulis ini tentang 'DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru' ini saya juga menyediakan link downloadnya khusus untuk anda, bukan hanya itu dibawah ini.

Langkah Install
=> Download dahulu file'nya dibawah
=> Kemudian Extract file'nya
=> Jalankan file "install.cmd
=> Tunggu sampai proses install selesai
=> buka daemon toolsnya
=> Selesai

Link Download
Size : 33 Mb

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru

=> DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Terbaru || via Rpgtr
=> DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Terbaru || via Ntrfle

Free Download full version 100% working
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DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Full Terbaru Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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