Nero 2016 Platinum 16 Final Full Crack Terbaru - Merupakan paket lengkap dari produk Nero dinatarnya, Nero Burning Room, Nero Video, Recode, Express dan masih banyak lagi, jadi sobat tidak perlu mendonwnload satu persatu prodeuk Nero. Software ini ahli dalam urusan burning data image, video, music, cover designer dan msih bnayk lagi fitur yang disediakan. bagi sobat yang ingin mengupdate atau mencoba software ini silahakan didownload.
- Burn, copy, RIP and create multimedia files
- Convert one format to other format
- Easily cut, edit, merge and convert
- Full range of effects and templates
- Full-HD video edit preview function
- Import any multimdeia files from any devices
- Photos, videos, music, and streaming
- Streaming highest quality resolution
- Support for CD/DVD and Blu-ray Discs
- Support for double-monitors display
- Top-class technologies for burning
- Ultra HD (4K) video editing features
What’s new in Nero 2016 Platinum:
- New ajustable color and skin
- New design and print templates
- New great video tutorials
- New optimized dual-monitor support
- New scalable windows interface
- New support for Windows 10
- Other new and improved features.
Link Download
Password : | Tested : Windows 8
Cara Install:
1. Ekstrak file yang telah didownload tadi menggunkaan winrar
2. Jalankan "setup.exe" dan gunakan serial number yang ada di folder patch
3. Install sampai selesai
4. Jjalankan patch dengan klik kanan lalu "Run as Administrator"
5. Klik Patch
6. Enjoy.
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