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Bitdefender |
Download Bitdefender Trial Reset Tool v2 Free / BitdefenderTrial Reset Bergabung dengan jutaan pengguna komputer di seluruh dunia yang percaya pemenang penghargaan perangkat lunak antivirus BitDefender untuk menjaga PC mereka, data, dan identitas aman dari serangan. Solusi antivirus BitDefender menyediakan negara-of-the-art, perlindungan proaktif dari e-ancaman, termasuk serangan online banking. Bandingkan produk dan melihat bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari perlindungan canggih dan fitur yang kaya, termasuk perangkat anti-pencurian, firewall, kontrol orangtua, penyimpanan online dan sinkronisasi, perlindungan jaringan sosial dan banyak lagi! Apakah Anda seorang pemula PC atau ahli, orang tua atau gamer, pilih perlindungan antivirus yang tepat untuk Anda!
- Automatic Protection. Stops All E-Threats.
- Machine-Learning Technologies
- No Impact on Performance. Bitdefender Photon™
- Dedicated Payment Defense
- Safe Browsing. Privacy Protection.
- NEW Anti-Ransomware Defense
- Password Manager
- Movies, Work, Games Profiles
- Anti-Fraud
- Social Network Protection
- NEW Next-Generation Firewall
- Full-Fledged Parental Control
- Unbreakable Antispam
- ENHANCED Tune-Up. OneClick Optimizer
- Device Anti-theft
- File Encryption
Supported Products
- Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
- Bitdefender Internet Security
- Bitdefender Total Security
- Bitdefender Windows 8 Security
Other Options Available In This Patch
- [Reset Now] => Click on this button if you only want to reset your Bitdefender and you don’t want to install the reset program.
- [Install Auto Reset] => Click on this button if you want to install the reset program which will reset your Bitdefender every time you start/restart your computer.
- [Uninstall Auto Reset] => Click on this button if you want to remove the reset program from your computer.
- Download the file given below
- Run “Bitdefender Reset Tool” as administrator
- Click on “reset” or reboot your windows in safe mode
- In Safe mode Launch “Bitdefender Reset Tool”
- Click on reset
- Thats it,Done
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