Media Player Classic Home Cinema adalah media player gratis yang di fungsikan untuk memutar video faforit obat. dengan dukungan video dan audio seperti WAV, WMA, MP3, OGG, SND, AU, AIF, AIFC, AIFF, MIDI, MPEG, MPG, MP2, VOB, AC3, DTS, ASX, M3U, PLS, WAX, ASF, WM, WMA, WMV, AVI, CDA, JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, D2V, MP4, SWF, MOV, QT, FLV, MKV .
Media Player Classic Home Cinema 1.7.10 Final Terbaru ini di bebani size hanya 11 Mb untuk Windows 32 bit dan 13 Mb untuk Windows 64 bit ini. Mudah-mudahan dapat membantu meringankan Hardisk sobat dalam urusan kapasitas memory Pemutar Media Player.
Key Features:
Media Player Classic Home Cinema 1.7.10 Final Terbaru ini di bebani size hanya 11 Mb untuk Windows 32 bit dan 13 Mb untuk Windows 64 bit ini. Mudah-mudahan dapat membantu meringankan Hardisk sobat dalam urusan kapasitas memory Pemutar Media Player.
Key Features:
- Playing VCD, SVCD and DVD without having to install additional codecs.
- Playing AudioCD.
- Play Real Media and QuickTime (if your system has the appropriate codecs)
- Playing files of any format supported by DirectShow, for example, DivX, XviD, H.264.
- Playback and video capture TV-tuner-s.
- Play Macromedia Flash-rollers, if you have installed ActiveX plugin, with the ability to rewind.
- Randomly moving and scaling of the image.
- Support and management systems WinLirc uICE.
- Command line support.
- Customizable hot keys.
- Save the decoded stream (eg, MPEG2-protected DVD).
- Watching movies in resolution than the current one.
- The ability to play the second audio track (in any supported format).
- Play Broken AVI-files
Link Download:
- Download Media Player Classic Home Cinema 11.70-x86 - (11 MB)
- Download Media Player Classic Home Cinema 11.70-x64 - (13 MB)
- Password if need : | Tested in Windows 8.1 Single Language 64 Bit
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