Senin, 30 November 2015

WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable Terbaru Gratis

WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable Terbaru Gratis.

WebAnimator Plus ini merupakan suatu versi terbaru yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat suatu animasi, membuat film interaktif, membuat permainan dan iklan, dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Sehingga WebAnimator Plus ini juga sudah sangat banyak sekali yang menggunakannya, karena selain memiliki Tools yang sangat mendukung, software satu ini juga memiliki tampilan yang sangat Friendly sehingga bisa lebih mudah untuk menggunakannya.

WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable Terbaru Gratis

List Detail :
  • Interactive : Create interactive movies, ads and games. WebAnimator provides you a rich set of tools to achieve your aims.
  • Respond to events. Create animated buttons without even adding one line of code. The integrated event handlers help you to create animated menus or entire games.
  • Add multiple scenes to your animation : The breakdown on multiple scenes helps you to keep the overview.
  • Endless timelines are confusing and make the creation process too complicated.
  • Divide your animation into several scenes - like a real director. By doing this, you always be able to keep track of the important elements.
  • You can easily switch between scenes by clicking on an element, achieving a keyframe, by script or automatically at the end of a scene or timeline.
  • Works on all devices : We love Chrome, but we love the others too. WebAnimator animations run correctly all modern browsers.
  • Each browser handles code differently from the other, it has its own properties and it may support or not CSS. This complicates the life of developers and designers.
  • That's why we've made sure that WebAnimator will create code that runs on almost every browser equally, in order to give your users the best results.
  • Templates : Slideshow, gallery or even a product presentation?
  • WebAnimator offers a variety of predefined templates that you will be able to customize according to needs with your content. The rest is done automatically by WebAnimator.
  • By doing this, you will be able to create super eyecatching animations within a few minutes.
  • Keyframing & events for extraordinary animations : With keyframes you can target CSS properties directly and manipulate them. By doing this you will be able to tweak your animation until it becomes perfect.
  • WebAnimator allows you to access more than 40 different CSS properties.

Langkah Install
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WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable Terbaru Gratis

Size: 96 Mb
via Rpidgtor
=> WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable

via Ntroflare
=> WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable

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WebAnimator Plus 2.2.0 Portable Terbaru Gratis Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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