Berikut beberapa perubahan yang terdapat di dalam WinRAR 5.0 Beta 5 (x86/x64) ini :
- Previous beta failed to decompress RAR archives contained both encrypted and unencrypted files. Archives containing only encrypted or only unencrypted files were unpacked correctly.Dibawah ini terdapat screenshot dari WinRAR 5 Beta 5 yang sudah terinstall di laptop saya :
- By default, RAR 5.0 log files produced with -ilog switch use UTF-16 little endian encoding. Now it can be changed with -sc<charset>g switch, such as -scag for ANSI encoding.
Untuk link downloadnya dapat dilihat pada link dibawah ini :
Download - WinRAR 5.0 Beta 5 Full (x86/x64) + rarReg Key
Password : artechies.blogspot.com
Semoga berguna,.. :)
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