Selamat Sore Sobat Cimanggis Software . Pada sore hari ini saya akan posting software downloader nih namanya EagleGet Downloader v1.1.07 .Yaps EagleGet Downloader v1.1.07 adalah sebuah downloader yang kegunaannya ya pasti untuk mendownload file file dari internet.proses downloadnya sih hampir mirip sekali dengan IDM yang kita gunakan . Software downloader ini bisa sobat mengganti tampilan nya dengan warna dan gambar loh . dan software ini berlicense Free tidak pakai crack serial maupun keygen
Screenshoot :
- Accelerate downloads by using multi-threaded technology.
- Download online videos from popular sites
- Optimized for HD and HTML5 web videos.
- Built-in Video Sniffer.
- Support MMS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and RTSP protocols.
- Support HTTP and SOCKET proxy.
- Batch downloads function.
- Support fully customized User-Agent.
- Automatic refresh expired download address.
- Download files in Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera with one click.
- Download different file types to separate folders.
- Monitor running and completed tasks with TaskMonitor.
- Built-in download scheduler.
- Supports drag-and-drop to rearrange the priority of downloads.
- Automatic run virus scan after download.
- Convenient task properties panel.
- Detailed connection log for each task.
- Verify integrity of downloaded files.
- Shutdown, hibernate or sleep computer after completing all transfers.
- Built-in speed limiter.
- Silent Mode (or Game Mode) function.
- Import download lists from other download managers.
- Supports multi-language interface (up to 20 languages)
Link Download :
Status Tested Windows 7 Ultimate32 Bit
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