Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Hot Alarm Clock Full Patch

Hot Alarm Clock Full Patch Dari namanya saja sudah kelihatan kalau software ini adalah software pengingat/alarm untuk komputer. Hot Alarm Clock ini berfungsi seperti alarm pada umumnya, tapi keunggulan lainnya, kita bisa membuat pengingat di software ini, seperti pengingat hari ulang tahun, pergi ke kampus, bangun pagi dan masih banyak lagi keunggulanya, dan yang pasti bisa menghemat daya komputer kalian juga.

Screenshot :

Features :

  Wake Up to Your Favorite Tunes
Membangunkan kalian dengan musik favorit kalian. Mendukung musik yang berformat MP3, WAV, OGG, dan AIFF. Hot Alarm Clock juga mampu menjadi software pemutar musik-musik pilihan kalian.
  Increasing Alarm
Computer alarm clock will adjust sound volume automatically before playing the tune regardless of your PC's current settings. Increasing volume alarms will start by playing quiet music, raising the volume slowly if you won't wake up.
  Turn Your PC into a Radio Clock
Your PC can be a radio clock! Set up Hot Alarm Clock to wake you up by tuning to an online radio station, and it'll turn into a perfect radio clock.
  Stopwatch and Countdown Timer
Hot Alarm Clock has everything you need to follow the time, no matter how complex your schedule is. Alarm clock and stopwatch, countdown clock and countdown timer, birthday reminders and just about anything you can imagine is readily available.
  Flashy Birthday Alarms
Hot Alarm Clock works as a perfect birthday alarm, alerting you of upcoming birthdays or congratulating you and your family members. It can show a simple reminder or play back a complex scene. Hot Alarm Clock can remember as many birthdays as you have friends and relatives!
  To-Do List
To-Do List is prioritized list of the tasks that you need to carry out. By keeping a To-Do List, you make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place so you don't forget anything important. And by prioritizing tasks, you plan the order in which you'll do them, so that you can tell what needs your immediate attention, and what you can leave until later.
  Skinnable Interface
With 27 skins provided with Hot Alarm Clock, your main window, stopwatch, countdown timers and alarms can look as elegant or as flashy as you want.
  Conserve Power with Automatic Sleep and Wakeup
Shutting down the PC for the night? Hot Alarm Clock can wake up your PC from sleep mode just before the alarm. It'll do its job waking you up, launching apps or opening your favorite Web sites. It can even put your computer back to sleep automatically!
  World Time
With Hot Alarm Clock you can glance over the time in other cities by configuring additional clocks displaying the time in other time zones. If you're carrying a laptop with you, a single change of the current time zone will automatically update local time.

How To Install :
  Install HotAlarmClockSetup.exe

  Jalankan Patch dan patch file HotAlarmClock_exe yang ada di direktori :
C:\Program Files\HotAlarmClock


Download :

Semoga bermanfaat..

Hot Alarm Clock Full Patch Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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