Kamis, 11 September 2014

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.4 Final Full Free 2014

Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.4 Final 2014
Kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah software yang tentunya software ini memudahkan anda mendesign warna dan kecerahan foto yang sesuai kalian inginkan dan nama software ini ialah Adobe Photoshop Lightroom lalu berikut ini sedikit ulasannya.

Ketajaman, kontras, tone, white-balance dan warna dapat disesuaikan dalam detail halus secara manual atau melalui berbagai macam default dan preset download yang di sediakan. Gaya seperti hitam dan putih, sepia, warna kontras tinggi dan Velvia dapat diterapkan

Bug Fixes :
  • Here’s a quote from Adobe’s Lightroom journal. As you can see, the list really is extensive:
  • When switching to the Book module with images selected, a ‘Gathering Photos’ message would appear and stay persistent.
  • On Mac Lightroom activity, such as an export, did not prevent the computer from sleeping.
  • In the Develop Module, the ‘Settings > Crop as Shot’ menu item did not properly reset orientation.
  • In the Develop Module and when applying Grain, occasionally vertical artifacts would appear along the bottom edge of a photo.
  • In the Develop Module, there is a slight delay before the Histogram is available for adjustments.
  • Lens profile corrections for the iPhone 5 would not be selected when using the ‘Auto’ Lens profile correction feature in the Develop module.
  • In the Develop Module, Scrubby Adjustments on Adjustment Brush Pins did not work as expected.
  • Syncing of spot removals was not consistent from image to image.
  • Exporting a scaled image to PSD would sometimes cause the watermark to be displayed incorrectly.
  • When Don’t Enlarge is on in Export, image was not resized, even when making image smaller.
  • Sharpening/Noise Reduction were applied inconsistently depending on crop and export image size.
  • Luminance of exported file differed noticeably after crop.
  • When adding keywords on Import, Import begins at once when keywords entered with ‘enter’ key (Win only).
  • In the Import dialogue, Loupe view occasionally did not work.
  • When using the “Edit in Photoshop” feature in Lightroom, the Smart Object filter mask was sometimes not previewed correctly within Lightroom.
  • When creating a new Collection inside of a Collection set, the default option for Location was the parent of the selected collection set and not the selected collection set.
  • Upload via publish does not prevent computer from sleeping, and upload fails if computer sleeps.
  • When playing a slideshow comprising TIF or JPEG images, occasionally the slideshow would appear pixelated.
  • The color profile of a photo was incorrect when playing slideshow in full screen mode.
  • When using a video export preset, develop settings were not applied to all images.
  • Smart preview indicator under Develop histogram displayed the wrong number when multiple photos were selected.
Links Download

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.4 Final Full Free 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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