Satu lagi sofware untuk sobat yang suka bermusik sepertinya wajib memiliki software yang satu ini FL Studio pantas menyandang software premium..FL Studio dirancang untuk membuat lagu, mengedit lagu, memixing lagu, dan merekam lagu selayaknya sebuah studio rekaman.
Didalam FL Studio sendiri terdapat Alat Musik Digital yang dapat kita mainkan dan dapat kita rekam layaknya kita berada di Studio Rekaman aslinya sehingga menjadi sebuah lagu, dan dengan FL Studio itu sendiri kita dapat mencipta lagu yang luar biasa yang tidak dapat di mainkan dengan alat musik aslinya.
Selain itu juga untuk sarana latihan mengaransemen musik, membuat lagu, dan lain-lain..yang paling inti dari para keyboardiz adalah biar bisa membedakan ketebalan suara keyboard dengan suara sound dari fruity loop..bagi sobat yang berminat dengan software satu ini silahkan mengunduh.
Notable New Features
· FL Studio 64 Bit features
– Access up to 512 GB memory, depending on your Windows version.
– 32 Bit bridged and 64 Bit native VST plugin support.
– Project compatibility between 32 and 64 Bit versions.
– FL Studio available as a 64 Bit VST plugin for use in 64 Bit VST hosts.
– Access up to 512 GB memory, depending on your Windows version.
– 32 Bit bridged and 64 Bit native VST plugin support.
– Project compatibility between 32 and 64 Bit versions.
– FL Studio available as a 64 Bit VST plugin for use in 64 Bit VST hosts.
· Performance mode – Trigger Playlist Clips live using a mouse, touch screen, typing keyboard or MIDI controller. Supports APC20/40, Launchpad, Lemur, Block, Maschine/Mikro, padKONTROL, QuNeo, Traktor Kontrol (and more).
· Multi-touch support – FL Studio and some plugins now respond to Multi-touch with Microsoft gesture functions supported.
· Playlist – 199 Playlist tracks, increased from 99.
· Linking includes MIDI input port – Links now remember the MIDI input port used to avoid conflict between controllers.
· Playlist & Piano roll – Horizontal & vertical movement locking. Shift is horizontal lock & Ctrl is vertical lock when dragging items.
· Piano roll – Glue notes, Mouse wheel velocity, Monophonic step entry mode & Chop chords tool.
· Right-click data entry – Most controls now allow a Right-click option to type in values.
· Plugin Picker – Right-click to open a plugin and its presets in the Browser. Start typing plugin names to highlight entries.
· Mixer – Page Up/Down keyboard keys cycle through the current mixer track's plugin windows.
· Options – Play truncated notes in clips restores notes overlapping slice points in Pattern Clips. Click and hold functions. GUI animation level now selectable from sober to entertaining.
New Plugins
· BassDrum – Deep Kick-Bass percussion synthesizer with sample layering. BassDrum was developed due to strong and loud customer demand for punchy kicks with a big bottom end. Our solution was to take a hybrid synthesis/sample route to provide unlimited customization for the perfect kick sound.
· GMS (Groove Machine Synth) - Multi-timbral hybrid synthesizer & FX channel lifted from Groove Machine. Another plugin by popular demand.
· Effector - 12 performance oriented effects: Distortion, Lo-Fi bit reduction, Flanging, Phasing, Filter (low/high pass), Delay, Reverb, Stereo panning & binaural effect, Gating, Granulizer, Vocal formant and Ring modulation effects. Effector was introduced to compliment Performance Mode and is perfect for use with multi-touch displays & controllers.
· Patcher – Introduced with FL Studio 10 to provide a means of saving and recalling commonly used effects and plugin chains. It’s in the new section as, aside from being overhauled with animated connections and a fresh interface, patcher has gained two, of many more to come, Voice Effects (VFX).
· VFX Key Mapper – Allows note inputs, live or from the Piano roll, to be transposed, keychanged, chorded or creatively remapped.
· VFX Color Mapper – Leverages FL Studio’s 16 Piano roll note colors that have traditionally mapped to MIDI channels. Now inside Patcher note colors can control 16 independent generators/instruments or groups of generators.
- 2Ghz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 (or later) compatible CPU with full SSE2 support. The faster your CPU and more cores it has the more you will be able to do simultaneously. Download and test the demo!
- 32 or 64 Bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP (with service pack 3)
- (or) Intel Mac with Boot Camp / Windows.
- Running XP (with service pack 3), Vista or Windows 7 (in 32 or 64 Bit)
- (or) Intel Mac with OS X 10.8 for the FL Studio Mac OS X BETA (Crossover Wrapped)
- 1 Gb or more RAM recommended
- 1 Gb free disk space
- Soundcard with DirectSound drivers. ASIO/ASIO2 compatible required for audio recording (FL Studio installs with generic ASIO4ALL drivers)
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