Membawa kenanganAnda untuk hidup!Apakahfoto dariliburan Anda,foto-fototeman-temandankeluarga atausnapshot darihobi favorit Anda,Anda dapat mengubahsemua fotodan klipvideo keluar biasaslideshowdengan teks,musik dan efekspektakulerdengan cara mudah.
Copy the patch in the magix MAINDIR and apply as admin, the patcher navigates you first to the "protein" dir, just choose the protein.dll here. if more than one protein.dll's inside this folder, choose the HIGHEST version of the dll that you see, actually there are 3 aviable: protein.dll \ proteinV5.dll and proteinV7.dll
the patcher navigates you to the folder: "ONLINE"
just choose here the file called: "MagixOFA_u.dll".
Start the magix app and activate ONLINE with any e-mail adress and any SN ( in a way of: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx) remember your sn because you need it in some magix apps again for some additional stuff inside the app like codecs etc.
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