Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Download Bandicam Terbaru V2.2.1.785 Full Version Incl. Keygen

Download Bandicam Terbaru V2.2.1.785 Full Version Incl. Keygen

Bandicam merupakan salah satu recommended software untuk keperluan Capture, sama seperti Moto nya "High Performance Capture" menjadikan software ini termasuk jajaran recommended software untuk keperluan Capture. Ingin merekam saat kamu bermain game, baik offline maupun online? Nah, bandicam ini cocok digunakan untuk keperluan tersebut.

Whats New:

Bandicam 2.2.1 (05/06/2015) - Webcam margins
* Detailed information
1. Bandicam now supports the webcam preview function in DirectX 8 games/programs.
2. Bandicam is now able to set the Webcam position precisely through Left/Right/Top/Bottom margins.
3. Bandicam is now able to set the Logo position precisely through Left/Right/Top/Bottom margins.
4. Full screen recording and partial screen recording mode is switched when double-clicking on the rectangle window.
5. The recording mode can be switched on the the system tray.
6. Other minor bugs fixed.


File Name:  Bandicam Terbaru V2.2.1.785 Full Version Incl. Keygen
Size: 9.4MB
Format: .rar
Source: Bandicam + Keygen + 100% Working | Thank's to: peeblemax, onhax
Hosting File: Usercloud
Tested: Work in Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

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Download Bandicam Terbaru V2.2.1.785 Full Version Incl. Keygen Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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