GOM Player merupakan salah satu software Media Player yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memutar file Audio dan juga file Video. Sudah banyak User menggunakan software GOM Player ini untuk memutar video dan musik. Salah satu keunggulan dari GOM Player yaitu software ini sudah banyak mengenal atau mendukung hampir semua jenis file Audio maupun Video.
Change Log :
1. Added the Preference Backup feature
- All current preferences settings can be saved to the Registration Entry by pressing "Backup Preferences" in the Preferences window.
- You can apply the settings to the registry by double-clicking that file.
※Note that the settings which will be disabled after quitting GOM Player are not able to backup.(Ex: Filp, mirror...)
2. GOM2.2 Skin update
- "Always on top" button added. (Looping from "Always on top", "On top while playing" to "Disable on top".)
# Added Preview Feature:
* Preview appears when moving mouse cursor to a certain time of seek bar. It’s not checked at default but you can check it anytime in the preferences window.
# Added “Hide skin during playback” Feature:
* Added “Hide skin during playback” Feature. It’s not checked at default but you can check it anytime in the preferences window.
# Added “Hide mouse cursor after 2 seconds without using the mouse during playback” Feature:
* Added “Hide mouse cursor after 2 seconds without using the mouse during playback” Feature. It’s checked at default but you can uncheck it anytime in the preferences window.
# Added “Auto Rotate” Feature:
* When playing videos which are originally upside down or not in the right direction, GOM Media Player will automatically rotate it. If you don’t wish to rotate, please modify in the preferences window or from GOM menu.
Password : | Status : Tested (Win Xp Pro SP3-7 dan 8) Bila ada Masalah Link Bisa Menghubungi :- Twitter : @FZalgonza
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Selamat mencoba dan semoga Bermanfaat buat kawan-kawan !!!
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