Selasa, 21 Juli 2015

FotoSketcher terbaru Juli 2015, versi 3.10

FotoSketcher is a free program for Windows which converts your digital photos into art automatically and in just a few mouse clicks. Over 20 different styles are available from pencil sketches to watercolor or oil paintings, pen & ink drawings and cartoons. From photo to painting (landscapes, architecture, portraits, etc.) in seconds!
You can also improve your original photos with simple tools (enhance contrast, sharpen, simplify image, increase luminosity, color saturation etc…) and add simple or realistic frames and text.

FotoSketcher is completely free (even for commercial use, if you wish to sell your pictures) and does not contain any adware, spyware or virus. It runs on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and the latest Windows 8 and 8.1 (sorry, no Mac version available).

New features and changes in version 3.10:
- the DPI default value has been set to 300 for better printing quality.
- although transparency in PNG images (alpha channel) is not supported by FotoSketcher, transparent - pixels will no longer appear black. They will now be converted to white pixels (much prettier!).
- the donation screen (coffee cup icon) has been simplified and will lead to a unified PayPal screen.
- when using JPG images, the compression quality has been improved for fewer artifacts (save to PNG or BMP if you want maximum image quality).
- a visual bug with the Emergence 2 effect has been corrected. Sometimes the preview image would be pasted to the main result image in the top left corner.
- some z-order problems have been solved.
- a memory leak has been hunted down and solved.
- when running a script (F5), FotoSketcher will be automatically minimized until the end of the process. If you wish to see the script running, just click on the FotoSketcher icon in the Windows task bar.

Homepage –

Download FotoSketcher 3.10 Installer
Download FotoSketcher 3.10 Portable

FotoSketcher terbaru Juli 2015, versi 3.10 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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