Selasa, 03 November 2015

Aurora Animation 3D

Aurora Animation 3D + Serial Number ( 44.0Mb )

 Aurora 3D Animation Maker adalah software pembuatan animasi professional. Software ini dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat desain animasi yang terlihat sangat professional namun sangat mudah mudah digunakan, karena memiliki tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami. Anda dapat dengan mudah membuat animasi 3D untuk
berbagai keperluan dengan menggunakan Aurora 3D Animation Maker ini.

Some features of Aurora 3D Animation Maker :
  • Object types are used in the design, including images, text, logos
  • There is a full range of colors for the design and use of colors
  • Lets take a variety of forms such as film or slides SWF output
  • Designed for use in animated banners
  • There are a variety of features for editing animations
  • Nearly three-dimensional animation design professional
  • There are over 60 design professionals in software standby
  • High flexibility in application design
  • Compatible with various input formats
  • Proper processing speed in large projects
  • There are 3000 Object Model from a variety of ready-
  • More than 60 models, fonts and exclusive fantasy
  • Attractive and user friendly interface
  • Ease in using the software
  • Compatibility with a variety of windows


Aurora 3D Animation Maker v13.05031309

Registry Info: Administrator

User Name: -

User Email: -

Serial Number: 68D2-FAEC-0315-4EE8-01A2


Registry Info: User

User Name: -

User Email: -

Serial Number: E181-32B3-24A5-61B9-E996

Aurora Animation 3D Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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