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About eBook Laskar Pelangi
Laskar Pelangi is the first novel by Andrea Hirata, published by the Library Landscape in 2005. This novel tells the story of the lives of 10 children from poor families in school (primary and secondary) in a Muhammadiyah school in the Pacific Islands were filled with limitations. They are:
- Ikal aka Andrea Hirata
- Latitude; Latitude Ocean bin Syahbani Maulana Basara
- Sahara; N.A. Aulia Sahara Fadillah binti K.A. Muslim Ramdhani Fadillah
- Mahar; Mahar Ahlan Ahlan Jumadi bin bin Zubair bin Awam
- A Kiong (Chau Chin Kiong); Muhammad Nur Zaman Jundullah Gufron
- Syahdan; Syahdan Noor Noor Aziz Aziz bin Syahari
- Chives; Mukharam Kucai Khairani
- Borek aka Samson
- Trapani; Trapani Ihsan bin Zainuddin Ilham Jamari Jamari
- Aaron Harun bin Syamsul Hazana Ardhli Ramadan Ramadan
They go to school and study in the same class from grade 1 to grade 3 junior, and calling themselves Laskar Pelangi. At the end of the story, members of Laskar Pelangi increased by one daughter named Flo, a transfer student. Limitations that exist not make them desperate, but instead makes them motivated to be able to do something better.
Laskar Pelangi is the first book of the tetralogy Laskar Pelangi. The next book is The Dreamer, Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. The book is listed as the best-selling book in the history of Indonesian literature.
The story takes place in the village of Hanging, East Pacific Islands. Starting when school Muhammadiyah threatened by the Department of Education of South Sumatra will be disbanded if the student does not reach a new number of 10 children. When it had 9 children who attended the opening ceremony, but just when Pak Harfan, the principal, close the school was about to speak, Aaron and his mother came to enroll at the small school.
That's where their story begins. Starting from the placement of seats, their meeting with the Pak Harfan, they were superb introduction where A Kiong who actually grinning when asked his name by their teacher, Mrs. Mus. Genesis stupid by Borek, the class president election violent protests by Leek, events Mahar finding exceptional talent, experience first love curls, to gamble the lives Latitude pedaled 80 miles round trip from home to school.
They, Laskar Pelangi - the name given Bu Muslimah be their pleasure to the rainbow - one had the name of the school in various ways. For example, Mahar revenge ever cornered his friends as his pleasure in the occult that led to a sweet victory at the carnival August 17, and the extraordinary genius Latitude challenging and defeating Drs. Zulfikar, school teachers are certified PN rich and famous, and won the quiz contest. Laskar Pelangi wading happy days, laugh and cry together. The story ends with the ten herd Latitude father's death that forces the little Einstein dropped out of school with a very touching, and continued with the event 12 years later where curls were fighting outside the island Belitong returned home. This beautiful story of the hilarious and heartwarming summarized by Andrea Hirata, we can even feel the spirit of childhood is Laskar Pelangi ten members. ~ Google Translate
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