Anda dapat menggunakan dieksekusi Lame dengan antarmuka LameXP atau RazorLAME atau Anda dapat menggunakan DLL dengan perangkat lunak lain (Audiograbber, CDex dll). Beberapa orang lebih memilih CDex kombinasi atau Audiograbber + DLL Lame (lihat CD Ripping / Encoding panduan). Dalam arsip termasuk baik: exe dan file DLL.

Features of LAME MP3 Encoder:
- Many improvements in quality in speed over ISO reference software.
- MPEG1,2 and 2.5 layer III encoding.
- CBR (constant bitrate) and two types of variable bitrate, VBR and ABR.
- Encoding engine can be compiled as a shared library (Linux/UNIX), DLL or ACM codec (Windows).
- Free format encoding and decoding
- GPSYCHO: a GPL'd psycho acoustic and noise shaping model.
- Powerfull and easy to use presets.
- Quality is comparable to FhG encoding engines and substantially better than most other encoders.
- Fast! Encodes faster than real time on a PII 266 at highest quality mode.
- MP3x: a GTK/X-Window MP3 frame analyzer for both .mp3 and unencoded audio files.
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